Are you ready for an emergency?

David Allen Rivas Realtor
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David Allen Rivas

David Allen Rivas Realtor


ADDRESS: 165 South Murphy Ave. Suite B , Sunnyvale , CA 94086

PHONE: (408) 431-7202

BRE #01841683




Preparing Your Home Emergency Kit
Are you ready in case of emergency? If you face a natural disaster, severe weather, an act of terrorism or a flu outbreak, you need to be prepared to survive on your own.

Depending on the type of emergency, you will need to be able to survive for a minimum of 72 hours. Your home emergency preparedness kit should include both three-day evacuation and two-week home survival kits.

The following is a list of necessities:

Evacuation Bag – Always have an evacuation bag ready to go in case you need to leave your home quickly. Choose one that is easy to carry and leave it close to the front door so that it’s ready and easily accessible if you need to evacuate your home with short notice.

Water and Food – Stock non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food and enough water for each member of your family, approximately one gallon per person per day. Remember to refresh water every three months and food supplies every six months to a year.

Survival Basics – Include emergency survival basics in your kit, such as a manual can opener, hand-crank radio, multipurpose tool, extra batteries, emergency blanket, duct tape, plastic sheeting, safety whistle and maps of the area.

First Aid Kit – Prepare a separate basic first aid kit specifically for your emergency preparedness kit. It’s a good idea to also include any prescription medications, sanitation and personal hygiene items, warm clothes and blankets.

I wanted to ask a favor of you!
Could you please remember my name, David Allen Rivas, when you hear anyone say, I am thinking about buying a home, selling a home or leasing their home. I can help! I also can help with any commercial needs you may need as well. As your real estate expert, I am happy to help out with any real estate needed services you may have and am willing to pay a finders fee just for you putting my name out there!
If you could please do this for me I would be more than appreciative.

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