What to know about a home inspection..

David Allen Rivas Realtor
165 South Murphy Avenue Suite B
Sunnyvale CA 94086
License; #01841683
Direct; (408) 431-7202
Fax; (408) 736-4444
Email; davidarivas@gmail.com
Website; https://www.DavidAllenRivasRealtor.com

What to Know About Home Inspections

Whether you’re buying or selling a house, getting a home inspection can be nerve-wracking.

If you’re selling, you’ll want to make sure there aren’t any hidden issues in the home. And if you’re buying, you’ll want everything to be in great shape so you can move in quickly.

But how much do you really know about the home inspection process? You can start by asking yourself four questions:

Is a home inspection always necessary?

Whether you’re buying or selling a house, getting a home inspection can be nerve-wracking.

If you’re selling, you’ll want to make sure there aren’t any hidden issues in the home. And if you’re buying, you’ll want everything to be in great shape so you can move in quickly.

But how much do you really know about the home inspection process? You can start by asking yourself four questions:

Is a home inspection always necessary?

A home inspection isn’t required — but it’s highly recommended. A house could look perfect on the outside but have underlying issues on the inside — like water damage or a faulty foundation. A home inspection is crucial because it can bring problems to light that otherwise would have worsened over time. Therefore, Know About Home Inspections to stay alert.

What does an inspector do?

An inspector thoroughly checks the safety and proper function of the property. This includes the heating and cooling systems, gas and water, electrical system, foundation, roof and other features both inside and outside of the home.

Who pays for a home inspection?

Typically, the buyer pays for the inspection because it’s for their benefit. If you’re a seller who would like to do a pre-listing home inspection, you would pay for it. The cost depends on the home’s value and size.

Do I have to be there?

It’s recommended if you’re a homebuyer. But as a safety precaution, you may be asked to step outside or follow social distancing guidelines during the inspection. You can also tour the home virtually or talk over the phone with the inspector to discuss any questions you may have.

Do you have other questions about home inspections? Reach out today.

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David Allen Rivas Realtor
165 South Murphy Avenue Suite B
Sunnyvale CA 94086
License; #01841683
Direct; (408) 431-7202
Fax; (408) 736-4444
Email; davidarivas@gmail.com
Website; https://www.DavidAllenRivasRealtor.com

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