Tips for a faster home sale!

David Allen Rivas Realtor

ADDRESS:165 South Murphy Ave. Suite B , Sunnyvale , CA 94086

PHONE:(408) 431-7202

BRE #01841683




Staging Tips That Help Homes Sell Quickly
The numbers don’t lie; often well-staged homes can see faster sales and higher offers than their cluttered counterparts. The key is getting an early start on the process. By beginning the monumental task of clearing the clutter and doing a pre-pack now, you can reduce the stress of preparing for showings and make it easier to move when your home sells.

Try these five staging and organizing tips to help you reach a faster sale.

Purge From Top to Bottom — Do a proper sort and purge, getting rid of outdated clothing, duplicate items and rarely used gadgets. To keep this task from turning into a source of serious frustration, tackle one room (or even one drawer) at a time.

Pack Up Everything but the Essentials — Start pre-packing your home, storing non-essentials or out-of-season gear in the garage or off-site. The idea is to give potential buyers a sense of space, which can’t be done if your home is overloaded with clutter.

Fix Glaring Problems — Remove out-of-style wallpaper, replace broken light fixtures, update cabinet and drawer pulls, and refresh dated window treatments. Simple fixes like these can make your home stand out from the competition.

Depersonalize — Remove family pictures and personal collections, and replace them with neutral artwork and simple accessories. The idea is to give potential buyers a neutral canvas so they can imagine their belongings in your home.

Go for Polished — Research the latest design trends and stage your house to match. Professional stagers recommend tailoring the design style to your target demographic. For example, if you’re in a family neighborhood, style the bedrooms for children, even if none live in your home.

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Could you please remember my name, David Allen Rivas, when you hear anyone say, I am thinking about buying a home, selling a home or leasing their home. I can help! I also can help with any commercial needs you may need as well. As your real estate expert, I am happy to help out with any real estate needed services you may have and am willing to pay a finders fee just for you putting my name out there!
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